HPTA Test Method CertifiedSeal

HPTA Seal Certified Products

Not all labels are alike and varied claims regarding content can be confusing to consumers. Products bearing the HPTA Test Method Certified® Seal changes that through standardization. The HPTA Test Method Certified® Seal demonstrates that these products meet a high-quality standard. The HPTA Test Method Certified® Seal puts everyone on notice, including consumers and governmental officials, that the advertising claims related to the content of humic and fulvic acid have been verified employing scientific standardized procedures.

Benefits of using the HPTA Test Method Certified® Seal:

  • Industry standardization. HPTA Test Method Certified® Seal indicates that a humic product has utilized the science-proven HPTA test method for genuine humic-based content.
  • Consumer confidence. Certification gives industry and consumers a high level of trust and confidence in a humic-based product
  • Greater visibility. All approved products which have been certified, will be included in an online listing available to industry, regulators and consumers

Test Method Background
The HPTA®s primary purpose is to advance the commercial uses of humic products through scientific and regulatory cooperation. An integral part of this mission is to establish a clear standard for laboratory testing to reduce the customer and market confusion created by the varied methods used in the past to qualify and quantify humic products.

A new or updated analytical procedure was sought, which would be an acceptable standard to guarantee humic product content and label claims within the market. Thus, HPTA worked with the scientific community to develop and promote a repeatable analytical procedure that would quantify and qualify both humic acids and hydrophobic fulvic acids.

The resulting HPTA test method was adopted by the Association of American Plant Food Control Officials (AAPFCO). The HPTA test method was also accepted by the International Organization for Standards (ISO).

HPTA Test Method Certified® Seal

Upon adoption of this standard method, HPTA created the HPTA Test Method Certified® Seal. This HPTA Test Method Certified® Seal indicates that a humic product meets a specific humic and fulvic acid test that can be confidently relied on by both industry and consumers. Both published methods are HPTA approved for use by companies to qualify for applying to use the HPTA Test Method Certified® Seal.

An independent, third-party reviews the application and testing reports to ensure compliance with the standard.

Using the HPTA Test Method Certified® Seal
All HPTA® Members in good standing as well as humic product manufacturers and other non-members who comply with a signed licensing agreement are strongly encouraged to apply for use of the HPTA Test Method Certified® Seal.

Once compliance is verified by the independent, third-party, products may bear the HPTA Test Method Certified® Seal on the label and will be listed on the official HPTA website (HumicTrade.org).

HPTA’s policy restricts the use of HPTA Test Method Certified Seal and HPTA approved test method as the only testing information allowed on packaging and promotional materials. Multiple test methods are not allowed with use of the HPTA Test Method Certified Seal.


  • HPTA® Members: $100 per product or formula; $50 for each additional repackaged products to be approved and listed using the same product formula on the application. Payment must be included with your application. Application fees are non-refundable. Please adhere to all requirements before submitting an application and making a payment.
  • Non-HPTA members: $300 per product or formula, provided they sign a licensing agreement with HPTA for conditional use of the HPTA Test Method Certified® Seal. Additional labels of the same product on the same application will be $150. Payment must be included with your application. Application fees are non-refundable. Please adhere to all requirements before submitting an application and making a payment. 

Approval for using the HPTA Test Method Certified® Seal is valid for up to two years (2) and must be renewed biennially with a new payment, documentation of new test results, and updated product labeling.

HPTA Test Method Certified® Seal Application Process

  1. Submit a product sample to a commercial laboratory performing an approved HPTA Test Method. The test report must state the product name and manufacturer. Blind or coded samples will not be approved. The following commercial labs offer approved HPTA tests:

    IAS Laboratory in Phoenix, Arizona
    Motzz Laboratory, Inc. in Phoenix, Arizona
    Thornton Laboratory in Tampa, Florida
  2. Once you receive your test results, submit an application with payment for the proposed product to certification@humictrade.org. Include documentation of current test results for approval and certification. Documentation of the test results are kept confidential and will not be shared publicly or with other HPTA members, including the HPTA Board of Directors. If there are any questions, or if clarification or validation is needed, the applicant’s company and the product name will be redacted before consulting with experts. Humic and Fulvic Acid label claims must be substantiated based on the lab test results provided.
  3. Once your application has been reviewed by the indedpendant third party you will receive the HPTA Test Method Certified® Seal graphic standard manual and HPTA Seal graphic file to be used on your product label.
  4. Once you have added the HPTA Test Method Certified® Seal to your product label, the recent (within the past 12 months) test results and the label to certification@humictrade.org for independent third-party review.
  5. You will receive notification that your product has been either Denied, Approved, or Approved with revision typically within 5-7 business days.
  6. Send a digital file (JPG or GIF preferred) of the final approved label to certification@humictrade.org for listing on the HPTA website, HumicTrade.org.

Graphic requirements and guideline.

Graphic files of the HPTA Test Method Certififed Seal® and Style Guide will be sent via email upon request to certification@humictrade.org.

HPTA Approved Test Methods

The HPTA has approved two test methods:

  1. Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) International Test also approved by the Association of the American Plant Food Control Officials (AAPFCO).
  2. ISO 19822, a newer, more detailed test method approved by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) for humic acids and hydrophobic fulvic acids.

The following commercial labs offer this test:

IAS Laboratory in Phoenix, Arizona

Motzz Laboratory, Inc. in Phoenix, Arizona

Thornton Laboratory in Tampa, Florida

HPTA Membership

HPTA Members

Pwa Logo
Hpta Member 1
Borregaard Logo Web Formatted 200x215
Logo EarthWorks Web
SoilBiotics3 200x215
BioliNE R Logo Original 200x215
HORTIMED Logo Vertical
Logo Nuest Humusolver With Inc 2 Web 200x215
Motzz Logo 200x215
Ag Connection Sales 200x215
Montys 200x215
MTS Enviro logo 2016
BIOFULVIC Logo Web 200x215
GTX 200x215
Catalyst Product Group 1 200x215
Green Wave
Natures Way Logo
The Andersons 1 200x215
Ocean Agro LLC 200x215
HGS BioScience
Omnia Logo
Bio Huma Netics
Global Organics JPEG NEW With R 215x215
Live Earth Products
Leonardite Products