HPTA 2024-2026 Board Member Voting

Composition, Qualifications, Selection and Term

There are five members and a science advisor on the board.
HPTA board members are chosen by ranked voting. Ranked-choice voting is an electoral system that allows people to vote for multiple candidates, in order of preference.
  • To vote, drag the names of the nominees in order top to bottom indicating how you would like to vote.
  • Nominees closer to the top will receive higher point values in the voting.
  • Once your order is complete, click “Submit” to cast your votes. Only one vote for each member company will be counted, so if there are multiple members please discuss prior to voting. Only the first vote will be counted if multiple voting submissions are detected.
  • Voting opens on September 25, 2024, and closes electronically on Friday, October 11, 2024.
  • In-person ballots will be accepted from 8:00 a.m. until 9:00 a.m. on the day of the business meeting (October 15, 2024). Since we do ranked choice voting, we encourage you to take advantage of the electronic voting option as this helps ensure all votes are counted accurately. 
  • Election results will be announced at the HPTA Business Meeting on October 15, 2024.

Vote for five Board Candidates and one Science Advisor

To vote, drag names in the order you wish to vote, top to bottom

Name and email are gathered for confirmation only one vote is cast per company
Voting is limited to one vote per company. Nominees are initially listed in alphabetical order.
  • David Chinn - HUMA
  • Ben Pease - The Andersons, Inc
  • Mohammad Rahbari - BioLine
  • Jeff Sangalli - Monty's Plant Food
  • Alexander Shulgin - OrganoCat
  • Mike Steffeck -HGSBioScience
  • Russell Taylor - Live Earth Products
  • P. Mark Turner - The Catalyst Product Group
  • David Wittekind - WestMet AG
Science Advisor
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


HPTA Members

The Andersons 1 200x215
Omnia Logo
Pwa Logo
Borregaard Logo Web Formatted 200x215
Motzz Logo 200x215
BioliNE R Logo Original 200x215
SoilBiotics3 200x215
Logo Nuest Humusolver With Inc 2 Web 200x215
Live Earth Products
BIOFULVIC Logo Web 200x215
Leonardite Products
Green Wave
HGS BioScience
Ag Connection Sales 200x215
MTS Enviro logo 2016
Hpta Member 1
Bio Huma Netics
Catalyst Product Group 1 200x215
Logo EarthWorks Web
Montys 200x215
HORTIMED Logo Vertical
Natures Way Logo
Global Organics JPEG NEW With R 215x215
GTX 200x215
Ocean Agro LLC 200x215