Humates 101

Humates 101

The primary use of humates is to increase plant quality and production, and to improve and replenish depleted soils. Field trials prove that applying humic products helps plants develop much stronger root systems and that length, density and root radius dramatically increase. Finally, through increased synthesis of chlorophyll, humates help accumulate solar energy, increasing cell energy balance. Its natural processes result in an increase in the plant’s resistance to unfavorable stress factors, improved nitrogen assimilation and nutrient uptake, and help facilitate the synthesis of sugars, vitamins, and more.

Humates are found in humic products used in commercial agriculture, as soil amendments and fertilizer additives, landscape and turf construction and maintenance, soil and water remediation, dietary supplements, livestock feeds and drilling mud additives. Humic products are also used in pet foods, cosmetics, nutraceuticals and other consumer products.

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